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To get best quote for auto rickshaw insurance


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Know More About Three Wheeler Insurance

What is an Auto Rickshaw Insurance?

An auto rickshaw insurance, as its name suggests, is a kind of commercial vehicle insurance plan created specifically for three-wheelers in India. All auto owners are required to carry at least third-party auto rickshaw insurance to safeguard their finances from third-party liabilities; however, it is preferable to carry a comprehensive auto rickshaw policy that will pay for any damages that may result from accidents, collisions, natural disasters, fires, and other mishaps.

Why should I buy Auto Rickshaw Insurance?

The law requires that if you or your company owns auto-rickshaws, you have at the very least a Liability Only Policy in place. This will provide you and your company with financial protection in the event that your rickshaw(s) causes losses and damages to third-party property, people, or vehicles.Having a proper insurance on your auto-rickshaw also shows your customers and passengers that you run a respectable company and take your job seriously.
