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To get best quote for two wheeler insurance


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Know More About Two Wheeler Insurance

What is insurance for bikes?

A two-wheeler insurance coverage, often known as bike insurance, protects you from theft, fire, natural catastrophes, and accident-related damage to your vehicle. The policy also covers liability for injuries to or death of third parties, damage to their property or vehicles, and other bike-related third-party liabilities. For two-wheelers, such as motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds, you can purchase insurance.

Why would you require bike insurance?

Bike insurance is required by law.

In India, it is against the law to operate a two-wheeler on public roads without a valid two-wheeler insurance. If you do this, you could be fined by the government or possibly put in jail. Every owner of a motor vehicle is required by The Motor Vehicles Act to have at least Third-party Bike Insurance. It does not cover losses to or damages to your two-wheeler; it only covers third-party liability.

Offers financial protection

In India, it’s common to see vehicles driving on chaotic roads in all directions. Such circumstances increase the likelihood of accidents that cause property damage to vehicles and fatalities. These occurrences may cause you financial harm. However, if you acquire bike insurance (Bike Insurance Policy), the insurer will cover the majority of the repair costs and will also pay for any necessary medical care in the event of serious accidents (if you have purchased the PA cover).

Cover for third-party liabilities

The third-party insurance shields you from any monetary or legal liabilities resulting from mishaps that harm another person’s person, property, or vehicle, or result in their injury or death. Third-party Bike Insurance handles monetary compensation and legal proceedings in the event that your vehicle causes losses or damages to a third party’s property or life.

Protection from natural disasters

Natural calamities are uncontrollable, although you can have some influence over things like how you drive a car on the road. Your two-wheeler may suffer serious damage as a result of them. For instance, floods can cause the bike’s parts to be irreparably damaged. A comprehensive bike insurance plan might help you out in these circumstances by covering vehicle damages.

Theft/loss coverage

One of a two-wheeler owner’s biggest worries is a vehicle being stolen. In such circumstances, you are doubtful of your ability to locate the lost automobile. You stand to lose a lot of money if the relevant authorities can’t find your car. However, if you purchase bike or scooter insurance (Two Wheeler Insurance Policy), you will be reimbursed for the loss in the event that the stolen car is not discovered.

Coverage for personal accidents

Only having insurance for your two-wheeler is insufficient because there is a very high likelihood that you may be hurt in an accident. The PA cover is required in India for this reason. It protects you from fatalities and permanent disabilities brought on when using a bike or scooter. But take note that the bike policy is not included. When purchasing bike insurance, you must buy it individually.

Key characteristics of BIMAKART’s motorcycle insurance

A paperless environment

No paperwork or forms must be completed in order to purchase our two-wheeler insurance online. This also holds true for renewing bike insurance online. To get or renew two wheeler insurance, simply exchange bike-related information and previous policy details.

Affordable plans

Our digital infrastructure eliminates the requirement for expenses such as intermediary commissions and operational costs. We can offer you economical insurance for twowheelers without requiring paperwork owing to this factor. Multiple insurance providers offer budgetfriendly bike insurance schemes that offer comprehensive coverage and competitive pricing, providing a wide range of options worth considering. To ensure that you have sufficient protection for you and your motorbike while riding.


Quick claim resolution

Our online bicycle insurance procedure allows for immediate claim settlement. Access your Bimakart account, respond to a few questions, then upload the images of the damaged bikes. For minor damages, you will get your claim settlement money within two hours. When it comes to insurance, quick claim resolution is crucial to ensure that you can get back on your feet as soon as possible after an unexpected event.
