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    Know More About Health Insurance

    What is health insurance

    Health insurance is made to lower your medical expenses and give you a safety net in case of illness. There may be a variety of circumstances when you need to file a claim with your insurance company. This might be the result of an intentional or accidental hospitalisation. You can file a claim against your insurance coverage in one of two ways: Cashless or Reimbursement Claims. But because the processes for these two kinds of health insurance claims vary, it’s crucial that you comprehend them if you want a hassle-free experience.

    Medical Insurance Claim

    The process of asking the insurer (in this case, Bimakart), to deliver the benefits and services covered by your health insurance policy is known as a health or medical insurance claim. You have the choice of filing a reimbursement claim for incurred medical costs or a cashless claim (also known as direct claim settlement).

    Types Health Insurance Claim

    Cashless Claims

    In this kind of health insurance claim, the insurer (Bimakart) directly compensates with the hospital all medical costs that are covered by the policy. However, policy beneficiaries must be admitted to a network hospital in order to use the cashless mode of claim settlement.

    Reimbursement claims

    In this sort of health insurance claim, you must first pay the hospital bill before requesting reimbursement for your hospitalisation costs. You will receive the payment from the insurer (Bimakart) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.
